Spokane; The Gateway to the Artist

How many times have you mentioned that you are an artist and live in Washington and the
response is, “So you live in Seattle?” I’m guessing that more often than not, this has happened
to you. And while Seattle is a perfectly lovely city, it’s art climate is entirely different from that of
Spokane. While Seattle has more of the flow and ebb of the modern art movement. Spokane’s
artists often tap into the sights and scenery that are ever-present at our fingertips.
Spokane has its own unique qualities as far as the arts go, and these attributes definitely vary
from our sister city over the mountains. While not exclusively so, you will find that much of the
local art is inspired by the things that make Spokane unique and memorable. Our close
proximity to the vast outdoors can clearly be seen in much of the art, and it’s not at all
surprising! The gorgeous landscape and plethora of options make it easy to draw inspiration
from local nature. From the rolling wheat fields of the Palouse to the stunning beauty of Manito
Park; there is unending beauty in Spokane that would inspire any artist.
You will find though, that not all local artists use the Pacific Northwest’s natural topography as
their muse. Instead, monuments and man-made beauty speak to them. Spokane is home to a
stunning array of architectural splendor. It’s no wonder so many artists gravitate towards these
quiet sentinels to guide their brushes and pens. The magnificent awe of Saint John’s
Cathedral, with its Gothic spires reaching to the sky. The opulent magnificence of The
Davenport Hotel. The whimsical charm of River Front Park, home to Spokane’s historic Looff
Carousel. The Fox, Manito Park, The Corinthian Library, The Masonic Temple. Our city is
filled to the brim with artistic inspiration that is uniquely it’s own. One doesn’t have to look far to
find an artist who was moved to create a lasting memory of Spokane’s beauty.
Along with its natural appeal, Spokane has a few more amenities that offer the local artist a
much-needed foothold into the art world. The affordable cost of living, access to a flourishing,
close-knit art community and a market that isn’t oversaturated. These coupled with an art
collective that is uniquely individual, all while maintaining the feel of a large extended family.
This allows for a myriad of styles and art forms to grow and expand, to enhance the beauty of
the city. Many of the artists calling on their love for Spokane and all she has to offer us, their
pieces clearly reflecting the fondness they feel for one of the Pacific Northwest’s most beloved
By Morgan the Artsy Dweeb